New Earth Bound

About Us

Blaine E. Gerhard, born in Kokomo, Indiana and grew up in the surrounding area chasing butterflies in the fields of wheat and soy. Both Grandfathers taught me how to fish, always a passion as a young man. In High School I navigated to the creativity of Art, it just came natural, drawing, painting, ceramics and more. Also had some interests in sports, Swimming, football and Basketball, Swimming being most natural. Graduating from Maconaquah H. S., I moved on to the University of Evansville also in Indiana. There I further developed my Artistic Skills with a BFA in Art and Certification in Teaching, K-12. I found my artistic love when sat down on a potter’s wheel and began to make wheel thrown forms. This is still today my most favorite type of art to make. Meeting one of the two Artist/teachers to influence my life here was Les Miley, A truly gifted Artist and teacher. After Graduating from U.E., I took a year off and applied to Grad schools, and was accepted at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, where I earned my MFA and specializing in ceramics, specifically Porcelain high fired forms where I developed some of the Glazes I still use today. Here I met Harris Deller, the second Artist teacher who influenced my life.

After that I moved to the warm beaches and waters of south east Florida, where I started making art out of FAU in Boca for several years. I was hired at SDPBC to teach elementary Art which I did for over 12 years. I met my wife Sonia in the midst of all this and began the family life, still making art with my firstborn. After My Second child was born I gave up my art for a while as I felt the need to make money from it and it took the love out of making the works.

Awakening: Around 10 years ago I was really struggling with stress from work, home and the world. I turned to Yoga to try and ease the stress and became a Yoga enthusiast, some basic hatha & meditative skills, and it helped, some.

Then as time went by and the world began to change in ways I could not believe or understand I started searching for what resonated with my heart. Most of the things that resonated with me were being removed from popular web platforms, which really made me wonder what was the agenda. Then sometime in 2020 my heart led me to Aurora and eventually I became certified in A.U.R.A. and R.A.A.H. The world and my place in it is now becoming more and more clear as I integrate more with my higher self and the truth of this Universe is being revealed to me. I have since taken the Priest Course and currently I taking the “Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading” Course.

If you have been drawn or called here by you or your higher self, and feel the need for an AURA or RAAH session, please feel free to reach out to me, use the calendar to find out where and when we can find a spot in my schedule for you.