New Earth Bound

Thank you for following your heart to mine!

Hello, my name is Blaine Gerhard, striving my way to ascension and moving with the earth to the ascend to 5th, 6th and above dimensions.

We live in a world where we have been taught since birth through negative societal programming that our human potentials are limited, that there is nothing beyond death or only heaven or hell. That our imagination is not real, kept distracted by our daily monotonous routines. In a world where if we get ill, we might not ever find a cure for it or we will have to be on an ongoing inverted cycle of prescription drugs or surgeries.

Have you ever felt deep within your soul that this just does not feel right? Discover the world of who you truly are and who you have been in past or future life’s! The world of Quantum Healing through past life regression. Where you have been a queen/king, a person in history, life in Egypt, in Atlantis, a different planet or dimension, a different humanoid being… The majority of people have lived hundreds or thousands of lives at different times upon Earth or other worlds. Come discover and remember YOU!

Why have you chosen to be born here on this planet, with this family? What is your life’s purpose? At crossroads, what should you do next in your life? Discover the answers straight from the connection of your soul/your consciousness! For it is only when we go within versus outwards, into our organic inner knowing that we discover truly who we are in this most beautiful creation, bridging us into our highest potential of true self healing.

Disease or illness stem from energetic imbalances in the Human body rooted through traumas linked to our emotions, vibrations, karmic energy, chakra points… Your body is made to be able to self-heal and will try to talk to you through certain aches, discomforts or illness. We have found that at times we can carry over past life’s traumas that show themselves as physical and mental pains. For example, if you died of a gunshot to the heart and now you have heart problems. That energy might be carried over to this current life needing to be quantum karmically healed. We have also discovered that vaccines and chemicals within our food, our water, our air, our intakes are root causes to illness.

Come enter the Theta brainwave of hypnosis safely to bring forth memories of your existence, Quantum Heal your body, find your life purpose, answers you seek, to speak to your soul, your higher self who is you. The higher self/oversoul who is one with the Creator who knows all!

I thank you, I honor you, I love you and I respect you!

~Rising Phoenix Aurora

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